Background Information

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) aims for the sustainable development of the Lower Mekong River Basin for the benefit of its people. The MRC is a platform for water diplomacy and regional cooperation in which member states share the benefits of common water resources despite different national interests. It also acts as a regional knowledge hub on water resources management that helps to inform the decision-making process based on scientific evidence.

Since the establishment of the 1995 Mekong Agreement, the MRC has developed five sets of procedural rules on water quality, data sharing, water use monitoring, water flow maintenance, and water use cooperation to support the implementation of the Agreement. The Procedure for Notification, Prior Consultation and Agreement (PNPCA) is one of these. Prior Consultation is a process for the MRC Member Countries to discuss and evaluate benefits and associated risks of any proposed water-use project that may have significant impacts on the Mekong River mainstream’s flow regimes, water quality and other environmental and socio-economic conditions.

The Pak Beng Prior Consultation process is part of the implementation of the PNPCA. It serves as a platform for the MRC Member Countries and other relevant stakeholders to discuss and provide views on the Pak Beng hydropower project and whether it reflects a reasonable and equitable use of the Mekong River System and how it could be done to avoid, minimize and mitigate the negative impacts, especially the ones of transboundary nature.

Forum Objectives

Following the success of the 1st Regional Stakeholder Forum held on 22nd February 2017 in Luang Prabang, this 2nd Regional Stakeholder Forum is a follow-up step:

  • To share the feedbacks from the 1st Stakeholder Forum and the response to key issues and comments obtained,
  • To present the preliminary technical review results of the Pak Beng hydropower project undertaken by the MRC Secretariat,
  • To seek the viewpoints, recommendations and suggestions of concerned stakeholders on the technical review results in order to be reflected these views in the Technical Review Report (TRR), which will serve as a basis and technical inputs for consideration by the MRC Joint Committee.
  • To share information on post-consultation engagement and information sharing plan with stakeholders on the Pak Beng project


The Forum expects to have the following representatives and participants:

  • MRC member country governments
  • MRC Dialogue Partners (China and Myanmar)
  • Development partners and agencies
  • Regional/international NGOs
  • Regional/international research institutes
  • Private developers
  • Regional/international media
  • Other interested groups

Date and venue

5 May 2017 at LAO PLAZA HOTEL, Vientiane, Lao PDR


Please click to download:

  • PPT1. Recap of the 1st Forum
  • PPT2. Overview and progress with PNPCA process
  • PPT3. Preparation of the draft TRR
  • PPT4. Preliminary Technical Review – Hydrology and Hydraulics, sediment transport and river morphology
  • PPT5. Preliminary Technical Review – Environment and Fisheries
  • PPT6. Preliminary Technical Review – Dam safety
  • PPT7. Preliminary Technical Review – Navigation
  • PPT8. Preliminary Technical Review – Socio-economic issues
  • Summary of draft Technical Review Report
  • 2nd Forum Report


Participation is open and free of charge but registration is required by 24 April 2017.

Administrative Note


Only a limited financial support is available to assist some participants coming from highly relevant organizations, which is beneficial to the MRC. Please contact the organizers.


To register for the forum, please fill in the attached form (Download register form) and send it back by 24 April 2017.



For documents on the Pak Beng hydropower project, please visit

For the 1st Forum Report, please visit

Comment box

During the prior consultation process for the proposed Pak Beng Hydropower Project, the MRC provides a channel for receiving, documenting and transmitting all legitimate concerns and views from interested stakeholders. In addition to other forms of communication and engagement, we welcome comments and feedback from the public through our active comment box on the MRC website. Please let us know your comments via

Contact points

For registration and travel sponsorship

Ms. Duong Hai Nhu
Stakeholder Engagement Specialist, Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane
Tel: (856-21) 263263| Email:

For travel arrangement and accommodation

Ms. Varaphone Silaphet
Secretary of Planning Division, Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane
Tel: (856-21) 263263 | Email:

For exhibition, communication and media issues:

Ms. Le Thi Huong Lien
Communication Officer, Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane
Tel: + 856 21 263 263 | Email: